30.07.2014, Kyiv
70 lonely seniors have recently received unusual gifts from Caritas Kyiv – bedclothes. It became possible thanks to benefactors who bought necessary cloth and volunteer who knitted 70 items of bedclothes for clients of “Home Care” program in Kyiv, specially made to their order.
Medical and social care and improvement of living standards of lonely seniors, terminally-ill and those who are in need of constant or temporary help because of progression of the disease or injury – are top-priority issues in Caritas Ukraine work. For the last 13 years on the basis of its organizations in 8 oblasts of Ukraine by means of “Home Care” program Caritas Ukraine provided assistance to more than 7 thousands of elderly individuals, disabled persons, people with HIV/AIDS, palliative patients, victims of totalitarian regimes, ostarbeiters. Our social services in this sphere are recognized as a benchmark of quality among state services, civic organizations and international experts.
Caritas Kyiv takes care of almost 100 seniors. Depending on their needs, each of them receives social, medical and material assistance. “Home Care” project employees secure needful people with a broad range of services: assisting with personal hygiene to ill and feeble individuals, offering medical and housekeeping services, organization of recreation, legal counseling, psychological follow-up, consultations of clients and their relatives etc.
Fr. Roman Syrotych, Director of Caritas Kyiv, retells: “With help of longstanding experience of “Home Care” program we get to know about different needs of our clients and people close to them. We are able to cope with some of their problems, but we have to understand that our resources aren’t limitless – unfortunately, year by year financial support from abroad is decreasing.
Not very often, but sometimes we find or we are found by people of a good will that are ready to assist in our service to lonely seniors with various resources or money. For instance, last year we distributed 1500 special watches among visually challenges individuals, and we are looking forward to a new consignment of Ukrainian-language watches that will enable help to 5000 blind people, in the majority of cases they are seniors. There is another example: foreign commercial company that knows Caritas and puts trust in its reputation.
They found us in Kyiv and were ready to assist exceptionally elderly persons – it is not a typical situation, because most people want to help needful children and youth. All in all, these benefactors provided medications, food packages, hygiene means and diapers for our clients for the period on 10 months. At the moment I am very glad that we received an opportunity to secure our clients with bedclothes. It seems to be a commonplace thing, but for poor people it is an incredible luxury and great delight.”
Caritas Kyiv to the best of its ability and beneficence of philanthropists assists other elderly individuals beyond “Home Care” program: World War II veterans, disabled people and seniors in care homes. Moreover, there is a possibility to loan out rehabilitation equipment: anti-decubitus cellular mattresses and pillows, neck support pillows, toilet seats, wheelchairs, two-wheeled folding walking aid, sticks with four supports etc. People who constantly need these pieces of equipment can receive them for permanent use. Last year Caritas Kyiv rendered over 25 wheelchairs to needful persons, and in 2014 – more than 60. It is said that such initiatives reveal different aspects of “Home Care” that is in great demand with poor groups of Ukrainian population.
“At the moment Ukraine faces turbulent times. War takes away hundreds of humans’ lives. All attention of the society is focused on fighting terrorism and external aggressor. At the same time there are still old Ukrainian problems in social sphere and tenth thousands of people in crisis living conditions. These 70 bedclothes can be considered as manifestation of care, sympathy and love, and not simply 70 packages of bedclothes. They were secured not by authoritative business and not even by a group of wealthy people, furthermore, they were knitted by a keen volunteer during a certain period of time, and all these things make this initiative meaningful and full of joy!” Fr. Roman Syrotych is convinced.