21.02.13, Ukraine
Letter from Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine has been recently sent to Caritas Ukraine. It includes a request to provide material assistance to Volodymyr Poberezhnui from Vinnytska oblast. Young man is going through crisis life conditions, being unemployed, limited in housing space and finances, and living in wheelchair.
Read Volodymyr’s letter, call for help, attached:
«I approach you with great prayer, faith and hope.
I was born three months after Chornobyl tragedy, in July 1986. Since childhood I have had disability of 1st group. I had spina bifida resected when I was almost a year-old. Luckily I survived, because surgery of this type is not performed in such age. From Kyiv hospital I was discharged with diagnosis ‘Myelodysplasia. Condition after surgery on hydrocephalus of myelocele in the form of bad bottom paresis with harsh depression of ambulation and pelvic organs function’. Up to now I am not able to walk. I use diapers and stay in the wheelchair all the time.