27.11.13, Kolomyia
Caritas of Kolomyia-Chernivtsi Eparchy announces the beginning of charitable campaign “Help St. Nicolas to come to orphans” that will be conducted for the 13th time. Children from 12 orphanages and children’s homes wrote their cherished wishes in letters to St. Nicolas. It is up to each of us whether their dreams come true and they find desirable presents under their pillows.
Childhood is the best period in life of each person. It’s time full of dreams, and it seems that they will come true in a moment. Kids live in their inconceivable world, where happiness and welfare are ruling forces and loving parents are near.
Unfortunately, for some children dreams remain only dreams that break at violent reality, at walls of orphanages and children’s houses. That’s why it is very important to support them even for an instant, but to bring them a fairy-tale! Everyone can make his/her contribution for each child to receive a present – employees of Caritas in Kolomyia are convinced, taking into account their experience.
“We all face difficult times now. Financial and economic crisis touched perhaps every Ukrainian family. Material instability, society and political uncertainty bring anxiety for tomorrow. But when we look about, we can see many people who live in more complicated conditions. Here I speak about children-orphans, kids from crisis families, foster children in orphanages and children’s houses.
We strive that children-orphans who lack parents care, youngsters in boarding schools and children from socially vulnerable families can get presents from St. Nicholas they dream about during a year. We aspire for their dream to come true even for a minute, that’s why we address you for help,” appeals Deacon Sergiy Tryfyak, Director of local Caritas.
There are boxes placed in different places in the city, charitable bank account is opened and volunteers distribute letters from children. It is possible to help with sweet stuff, new toys and clothes. Last year by this means the campaign succeeded to collect presents to the value of 0,5 millions hryvnias. This year the campaign initiators hope for generosity of people that will pay attention to wish of every child.
Vasyl, pupil of the third form in Yablunivka boarding school, says: “I am longing for St. Nicholas holiday, because I really want to know what he will bring. He often makes many of our dreams come true, though sometimes he can’t fulfill the most special of them. This year I tried to be obedient and hope that Nicholas will bring me some clothes and many sweet things!”
Such wishes aren’t rare. In the majority of cases children ask for the most important things: clothes and stationary, and dream of different toys and electronic gadgets. They say they won’t be offended if St. Nicholas isn’t able to bring everything they wish. It is important that he doesn’t forget any child and give his warmth to everybody.
Despite all strokes of misfortune, children stay good-minded and sensitive. Namely faith in all-mighty Nicolas helps them to feel this way. And for each adult a letter from an orphan gives a possibility to reveal the best human features that eventually make us humans and disallow us to stale. We welcome you to join the charitable initiative of Caritas in Kolomyia!