27.03.13, Volyn
‘The holiday of grandmothers’ was the recent family celebration in the social center for youth of Caritas Volyn. Its guests were grandmothers of children-clients of the project Social and psychological support for labor migrants children; senior women, participants of the project Organization of activity of ‘Dovira’ center for totalitarian regimes victims.
“The aim of this celebration is to foster love and respect to elder family members – grandmothers. It is important to develop delicacy, kindness and mercy. In particular, the last-mentioned is the main principle of Caritas activity,” said Viktoria Skrynnikova, local coordinator on work with children and youth.
The holiday was organized in the hall decorated as grandmother’s room. Children placed poster ‘Our grandmothers’ on the blackboard. It was well-written and garnished with traditional Ukrainian towels. Decoration of the social center room included the exhibition of children artistic works called ‘The favorite flowers for grandmothers’, photomontage ‘Grandmother and I’ that was shown on the projector by center psychologist Natalia Gavronska.
In the course of the celebration children recited poems and light verses, performed songs dedicated to their beloved grandmothers, participated in different competitions and quizzes. Tetyana Galytska, social teacher, guided all holiday activities. She pointed out that this occasion teaches to respect the life experience of elder family members, listen to their advice and help them.
Grandmothers who were present at the holiday were singing, speaking about themselves, playing interesting games with children. Grandchildren made flowers and chaplets in trimming manner, the modern handmade art. They presented these things to grandmothers in memory of this holiday. For these unusual gifts grandmothers returned thanks to children with ‘fairings from the hare’.
At the end of celebration sweet buffet was organized for everyone. Participants were able to exchange their impressions on time spent. The most important was the initiative of such event. It was filled with children’s sincerity and decent respect to the older generation.