One important aspect of Caritas’ work in Ukraine is to provide assistance to needy children—to assimilate them into main stream society, to help them develop creative skills, to encourage them to be active at social centres, to provide them with constructive ways to recreate, to make psychological counselling available to them and to give them a Christian upbringing. The Centre for Volunteerism has a separate role. It united the work of several volunteer branches across Ukraine, and today is headquartered at the Caritas Sambir-Drohobych Eparchy.
The Centre for Volunteerism aims to instil mercy, love and a sense of responsibility for the church and society in young people. Volunteers care for and support a group of children from disadvantaged families, and participate in all of Caritas’ charitable activity.
Artur Deska, Director of the Branch notes: “In order to interest young people, the Centre for Volunteerism hosts various groups and organizes integration-training events. Las Saturday was a particularly interesting day for clients of the Young Photographer’s group.
On this day a trip to Tustan’ in the village of Urych in the L’viv region was organized for them. The cold weather wasn’t an obstacle for the young photographers; they revelled in the landscapes of our Carpathian Mountains and practiced their craft. Experienced photographers gave tips on how to improve the quality of the young people’s photographs. The result was that children spent time in a constructive and happy way
Fr. Ihor Kozankevych, Director of the local Caritas, joined this excursion. He held a photography workshop for adolescents, and shares his impressions:
“Whatever a child is interested in, they should do it correctly, and to whatever extent possible, professionally. But it is even more important to help our children find a purpose for their lives, be ready to do good deeds, to appreciate beauty, and to love themselves, those close to them and our native and wonderful country“.