A seminar was held, from 6 to 10 February in Bryukhovychi (outside of L’viv) for Caritas Ukraine employees. Dozens of employees from the Mobile Work with Youth in Ukraine project participated along with the National Project Coordinator, two Directors of Regional Caritas branches, and three experts from government organizations. Iren Berger, Consultant for Caritas Germany led the seminar which taught attendees how to plan, monitor and realize projects for 2013-2015.
Slavko Fedchev, a social worker from Caritas Kyiv explains: “For the first two days we examined the results of our 2011 activities. What I found to be particularly useful is that we looked at quantitative indicators but also at monitoring methods and how to analyze the information. After that we learned about SWOT analysis and the theoretical foundations of planning. In the days that followed we examined desired results and indicators for 2013-2015.”
The unique characteristic of this seminar was that experts participated. In attendance were two government representatives from Vinnytsya region Children services and the Donetsk City Centre for Family Social Services and leaders of the Department of Families, Youth and Sports of the Khmel’nyts’kyy regional council. Their recommendations allowed us to be more realistic about what type of cooperation we can expect from state organizations, and to better understand the problems of individual Ukrainian communities.
In 2012 we must put together a project proposal for European sponsors. We’re off to a good start: staff from 5 Caritas branches reached agreements on key issues despite regional peculiarities – stated S. Fedchev from Kyiv’ Caritas.
Mobile Work with Youth of Ukraine is made possible by funding from Critas Germany and the Government of Germany. The goal of this project is to reintegrate children and adolescents in crisis situations into mainstream society, to support young or dysfunctional families.
The project is built on trust and free will. It gives clients the opportunity to better themselves and to overcome difficult life circumstances. Our goal is not to change the life of a person but to allow people to improve their own lives by offering them alternatives.
Caritas Centre staff provides psycho-social support for children and adolescent. In addition to supplying their clients with basic needs, the centres also create the circumstances for spiritual, creative and social development.
The Centre offers various activities on a regular basis, they include: trainings, art classes, excursions to familiarize the children with history, geography, nature, and the culture of their homeland, summer camps and hikes in the mountains.
Football teams have also been formed at some centres; they travel to participate in tournaments. In an attempt to include parents and help them improve the psychological conditions of their children’s’ daily lives, Caritas workers also provide individual consultations.