18.12.13, Volyn
Celebration of Philanthropy Day became a good tradition on the eve of Christmas holidays in Ukraine. This day is commemorated since 2007 on the second Sunday of December to claim principles of humanism and mercy, favor the development of philanthropy and support civic organizations initiative.
“It is a quite fair statement that philanthropy is the greatest manifestation of humanism. Humanism is a capability of one person to conduct oneself humanly with the other person. This capability reveals in many things, for instance, in kind-heartedness, respect, love to neighbors, ability to empathize with them, forgive their human weaknesses and faults. Philanthropist is not an occupation, but the dictates of heart. Perhaps the fact that Philanthropy Day is commemorated on all-Ukrainian level will help to involve more concerned people to this pleasant and needed initiative,” Fr. Volodymyr Kmet, Director of Caritas Volyn, is convinced.
The Philanthropy Day of local Caritas started in Center of social services for family, children and youth that from the beginning of foundation work stands as a partner in social services delivery to individuals who found themselves in complicated living circumstances. Specialists of social center invited five family members who have newborn children or will have them in the near future. Director of Caritas Volyn Fr. Volodymr Kmet spoke about aims of the foundation, social projects that are implemented and presented gift sets for young and future mothers. He wished that children were healthy and brought joy to their parents and the most important: for parents to remember the prayer for their children and pray for their future.
The next charitable action was giving of gift sets to young mothers in maternity hospital. In total 13 sets were presented. These gift sets became a kind of pleasant surprise for young mothers and women who await a child. They were grateful to workers of charitable foundation and wished them energy and inspiration for further good doings.
Victoria Skrynnikova, Coordinator of Children’s Programs in Caritas Volyn, retells: “Philanthropy foresees enthusiastic attitude of people to each other that is directed at support and help to those who are in need. Such understanding of philanthropy grounds on the idea that this capability of human nature is the highest manifestation of humanism. Not simply to sympathize, to love, to be kind, but to put aside own interests and problems and to hurry to help the neighbors!
It is really a humane and human step that is not typical for everybody in the real life, unfortunately. Maybe, because of this philanthropy has been always considered as the highest virtue, and those who are capable for it, will get sincere honor and remembrance.”