01.04.13, Volyn
Recently in the framework of Global Money Week Caritas Volyn became a partner of civic organization ‘Association of new economic thinking’ and international organization Child&Youth Finance International. For one week in March different state and non-governmental institutions from more than in 50 countries worldwide get together to tell children about financial competence. The initiative is aimed to raise the children’s awareness of finances and encourage them to further education and clever financial management. Only one per cent of children in the world have access to training in financial competence.
Caritas Volyn invited four educational establishments of Novovolynsk to join the international initiative. Notably comprehensive schools №7, №3, №1, gymnasium and City center of social services for family, children and youth. During the week Viktoria Skrynnikova and Tetyana Galytska, workers of project Social and psychological support for labor migrants children, organized debates with pupils of 8-10th forms of city comprehensive schools.