On 20 June, at the European town located under the Druzhba Narodiv arc in Kyiv, a street football tournament was held by the Kyiv Caritas. Caritas’ team “Mriya” was a tournament participant. Caritas Kyiv would like to thank the main organizers: the International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine, the Kyiv City Social Services Centre for Families, Children and Youth and the management of the European Town for making this event possible.
Halyna Li, Coordinator of Work with Children and Youth at the local Caritas notes: “In addition to our clients the local teams Obolon’, Yunist and Troyeshchyna as well as a team made up of organizers called Alliance and a team from the Odesa charitable organization Help Home called Domovyatko played in the tournament.
We pay tribute to the players and fans that came out in the scorching heat from noon to three o’clock.