Caritas Kyiv and Svichado publishers joined the A Book Under the Pillow event which was held from 12 November through 12 December. A Book Under the Pillow is organized by Ukraine Reads, a Cultural-Informational project. This is the second year in a row that the event has been held. This year for St. Nicholas Day, they gathered new Ukrainian language books for children living in family style orphanages,” said Fr. Roman Syrotych, Director of Caritas Kyiv.
The Ukraine Reads project organized the event. They have already proved themselves by holding nearly 15 events across all of Ukraine; these events to support rural libraries, children’s buildings, reading and improving the overall attitude towards books. In the year since the project’s inception, they have involved over 150 families and organizations in doing good cultural deeds.
This year the targeted group is children living in family style orphanages because it is difficult for potential donors to find them. Ten orphanages, located in the most secluded villages and towns of 10 different regions of Ukraine were chosen, and the real needs of their residents were taken into account.
Angel volunteers distributed the gifts and a personalized letter from St. Nicholas to each child.