Caritas of the Kolomiya-Chernivtsi Eparchy has been successfully operating a list of social projects. There’s another one in the works whose value is difficult to estimate. Supporting Initiatives that Provide Social Services to Disadvantaged Elderly People during the Economic Crisis is the name of the most recent project. We hear more about the project from its Director, Nataliya Hryhorchuk.
Society’s attitude to the elderly is an indication of its civility. Since Ukraine gained Independence, elderly people have become stereotyped as lonely, vulnerable and dependant on those around them. It appears as though our country cares for its elderly citizens: they receive special privileges and other types of social assistance; however in reality, this is all a farce.
Caritas of the Kolomiya-Chernivtsi Eparchy is hoping to ease the lives of elderly citizens by running social projects. For nearly 10 years the Home Care project has been encouraging others to help less fortunate members of society overcome life’s routine difficulties. They also operate a soup kitchen where people come to get a hot meal. The next step was to create a Centre for Social Assistance for the elderly inhabitants of Kolomiya.
“During the financial crisis we couldn’t help but notice the physical appearance of disadvantaged and elderly people–their clothing became increasingly unkempt and their personal hygiene suffered,” explained Ms. Hryhorchuk. “In order to broaden the spectrum of services provided by the Kolomiya Caritas, we decided to launch this project.
The project is planned for 6 months. In six months we expect to help resolve some common problems that disadvantaged people encounter. The project will allow elderly individuals to obtain support and assistance while sharing their knowledge and experience with the children who visit Caritas’ facilities.”
Renovations on the first floor of the Caritas facility started in May. After work was finished Caritas opened a laundry room with two washers and dryers, a modern bathroom with a shower stall, and a room where individuals can rest, hold discussions or watch movies. Clients have already started to visit the premises and are pleasantly surprised with the modern conveniences.