Caritas organisations in four European countries, together with Caritas Europa, urge politicians and decision makers to give the utmost priority to the poor and excluded people when measures are taken to tackle the current financial crisis.
Caritas Romania, Caritas Hungary, Caritas Slovakia and Caritas Ukraine – met in Satu Mare, Romania, on 19 and 20 October in order to highlight the challenges facing vulnerable people in these four countries. The Conference drew on the expertise and hard work of local Caritas organisations in various counties and cities.
In a joint statement the organisations express their deep concern over their findings on the ground, where the situation of the poor worsens considerably day by day. In the attempt of overcoming the financial crisis policymakers should ensure the following:
• A decent living standard for all should to be inherent to every policy authorities implement
• Austerity measures should only be taken if conditions of the poor and the most vulnerable people are protected;
• Social budgets should be defined by the relevant administrations in consultation with civil society;
• A package of basic social and care services should be set up to the benefit of all;
• Anticipating the European Year of Active Ageing 2012, we call for a pro-active approach to allow elderly to maintain quality of live and fully participate in society.
For Caritas Europa, the Trans regional Conferences are an important platform for exchanges between our local Caritas colleagues, the people they accompany in their projects and work and the local authorities who do not often have the occasion to meet.
“Our daily work with the most marginalised people gives us a unique voice to speak for those who are experiencing poverty and social exclusion. We witness how their situation worsens considerably day by day.
While we call for the above, our contribution is to work with all people in need and we offer our cooperation to all stakeholders in the pursuit of a more cohesive society.
Our partnership and the lasting impact of our action for the benefit of society at large make us a powerful player in the social field. The voice of Caritas is reliable and we call upon all stakeholders to include our unique grassroots’ experience when developing policies“ say the conference participants in their public statement.
Full version of Public Statement CARITAS in Carpathian Euro-region you can “Poverty is increasing – Stop Talking, Start Acting” download here.