25.03.13, Lviv region
It seems that everyone knows about problem of illegal migration and human trafficking. Anyway, every year the deal of people who are suffering from these problems is increasing in Ukraine and in other countries. There is growing number of appeals from human trafficking victims to Consultative Center on Countering Human Trafficking and providing assistance to victims in Drohobych (Lviv region). That’s why preventive measures are taken for city citizens and guests of all ages and social statuses. They should be aware of the problem and learn to protect themselves and their relatives from it.
“School and student youth is one of the most favorite and most visited audience. For several years we organize various events for students and teachers of Drohobych comprehensive schools. This year we started work with comprehensive school № 4, where we held several trainings for senior high school students and teachers.
It isn’t the first time we visited Drohobych city employment center with informational trainings. It can’t be argued that people who are desperate of inability to find a job become victims of contact men and different fraud schemes,” Natalia Golynska, local coordinator of the project, shares news on current activities.
In was the first time Caritas workers were invited to conduct thematic meeting at School of Family Counselor. This school trains the future counselors for families. The school graduates in the course of their work will meet families who face problems connected with illegal migration. Recently invitation to organize training on illegal migration and human trafficking was received from social center for mother and child in Drohobych.
Training and counseling services are provided in Drohobych seminary for seminarians and their professors. In fact, this audience is one of the most active. Great number of questions, discussion of different situations and current problems make the dialogue very enthusiastic and beneficial for Caritas employees and listeners.
We recall that Consultative Center on Countering Human Trafficking operates in Caritas of Sambir-Drohobych Eparchy of the UGCC. If anyone of your relatives got into trouble abroad and needs assistance, you can address Caritas to receive:
– psychological help;
– material aid;
– medical assistance and referral to treatment;
– legal, medical and other social services when needed;
– help in looking for people that disappeared abroad;
– advice on departure abroad;
– information about embassies and consulates of Ukraine abroad.
Contact information: Drohobych, Chornovola Str., 4. Phone number: (+38 0244) 2 24 58.
There are other specialized social centers on countering human trafficking of Caritas Ukraine implement their activity in Khmelnytskyi, Odessa (and Yuzhne), and Ivano-Frankivsk.