
In the Khmelnytskyy Region Caritas Opened a Sports Field for Children

Peace Corpus volunteers, nearly 30 students from various Trans-Carpathian universities, and the local Caritas, educated people on how to avoid becoming victims of human trafficking. This event was held in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration. Project 527 was designed to prevent the slave trade and help Ukrainians legally obtain work abroad

During the event held on 23 September, students explained to passers-by what 527 is. They also distributed material on human trafficking that was provided by Caritas Ivano-Frankivs’k UGCC courtesy of the Consulting Centre for Preventing Human Trafficking.

“In the last 2 years 38 victims of human trafficking have come to our Centre seeking assistance. We helped them through medical exams, paid for medical treatment, gave them clothing, footwear, and personal hygiene items. We are also providing legal aid to five victims, including 2 minors that are involved in a criminal case against traffickers” explains Halyna Shpil’chak, a social worker

Adam Lyons, a Peace Corps volunteer was the mastermind behind the event. He states that currently Ukraine has the highest volume of illegal migrants and citizens falling victim to human traffickers. The event got its name from a telephone hotline.

By telephoning 527 an individual can determine if their potential employer is black listed as a trafficker or if the company hiring them has the right to offer them employment. The hotline 527 can be dialled from any country and can assist those who have been violated.

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