05.05.2015, Ukraine
At the beginning of 2014 Caritas Ukraine launched cooperation with coffee houses network called KREDENS CAFE (LLC “Esset”). Such collaboration is aimed to collect money for organization of summer camps for disabled youth of Caritas Lviv.
At the moment Caritas Ukraine coordinates activity of 6 social centers on work with people who have special needs: in Lviv, Drohobych, Stryi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kolomyia and Boryslav. Nearly 120 disabled individuals, their parents and relatives are seized with daily care.
Clients of Caritas Ukraine social centers can participate in educational programs on getting work skills (occupational therapy) and basic social skills (self-service, preparing food, behavior in different household communications and situations etc); events on social integration are also being held (meetings with youth from other centers and establishments, organization of leisure, recreation games, participation in Christian pilgrimages, summer camps and excursions, getting involved in festivals and fairs etc).
Parents of disabled individuals receive social and psychological follow-up, information support; they join activities of Caritas centers, trips and camps, and also meet during joint events and seminars.
Yaryna Oliynyk, Head of marketing and PR department in LCC “Esset”, retells: “During the last 1,5 year our network faced many novelties: we opened more coffee houses (now we have 9!), our baristas were claimed as the best in Ukraine at national contests, we made another important step in order to be not only the best coffee place, but a community with social responsibility that lives among needful individuals and is in sympathy with them.
We were really scrupulous in choosing a foundation to cooperate with, and took into account the efficiency of its work and how approximate is foundation philosophy for our employees and visitors. We are satisfied with our choice. Caritas Ukraine implements great service to people in need and we are glad to be a part of this work!”.
Together visitors of KREDENS CAFE coffee houses network collected following amounts of voluntary donations to conduct a summer camp for young people with special needs:
- In the period of 06.01.14-28.01.14 the sum in 5 locations equals 365 UAH.
- In the period of 01.02.14-28.02.14 the sum in 5 locations equals 703 UAH.
- In the period of 28.02.14-28.03.14 the sum in 7 locations equals 1001,9 UAH.
- In the period of 29.03.14-29.04.14 the sum in 5 locations equals 590 UAH.
- In course of 30.04.14-30.05.14 the sum in 7 locations equals 1163,46 UAH.
- In course of 01.06.14-01.07.14 the sum in 4 locations equals 636 UAH.
- In course of 01.07.14-30.07.14 the sum in 7 locations equals 1224, 84 UAH.
- In course of 01.08.14-31.08.14 the sum in 7 locations equals 858, 10 UAH.
- In course of 01.09.14 по 30.09.14 the sum in 4 locations equals 773 UAH.
- In course of 01.10.14 по 31.10.14 the sum in 4 locations equals 466 UAH.
- In course of 01.11.14 по 30.11.14 the sum in 7 locations equals 1647, 55 UAH.
- In course of 01.12.14 по 31.12.14 the sum in 4 locations equals 348 UAH.
- In course of 01.01.15 по 31.01.15 the sum in 7 locations equals 1219, 6 UAH.
- In course of 01.02.15 по 28.02.15 the sum in 4 locations equals 560 UAH.
- In course of 01.03.15 по 31.03.15 the sum in 4 locations equals 432 UAH.
- In course of 01.04.15 по 30.04.15 the sum in 4 locations equals 353 UAH.
- Therefore, as of 02.05.2015 thanks to visitors of coffee houses in Lviv and Kyiv there are more than 5841,90 UAH collected (note: its the available balance as in September 2014 were used appr. 6500hrn. to conduct a summer camp for young people with special needs). This sum will assist disabled youth in receiving an opportunity to take rest in the mountains this summer.
At the moment KREDENS CAFE network includes 9 coffee houses in Lviv and Kyiv. There are addresses of coffee houses where every person can make contribution to care of youth with special needs:
- Shopping and leisure center “Ocean Plaza”, Kyiv, Antonovycha Str. 176
- Shopping and leisure center “Atmosphere”, Kyiv, Stolychne road 103
- Shopping and leisure center “Prospekt”, Kyiv, Chervonogvadriyska-Chervonotkacka streets
- Shopping and leisure center “King Cross Leopolis”, Lviv, Sokilnyky, Stryiska Str. 30
- Lviv, Valova Str. 5, entrance from Galytska Str.
- Lviv, Kryva Lypa passage 3
- Lviv, Svobody Avenue 37
- Coffee house “MAPA”, Lviv, Katedralna Avenue 5, also entrance from Galytska Str. 4