13.08.12, Ivano-Frankivs’k region
“Dora’s Super! Dora’s Ace! We’ll come back to this place!” the Caritas campers shouted at the end of a great camp. This year Caritas of the Kolomyya-Chernivtsi Eparchy held the fifth Christian summer camp called Vacation with God. This year 90 children campers descended on Dora (village Yaremche, Ivano-Frankivs’k region). Without a doubt they will take with them countless good memories that will stay with them throughout the year.
“Every year children come here from crisis situations and we give them hope using the same approach, but each year camp is different,” summarized Taras Buchovs’kyy, Coordinator of Children’s Projects for the local Caritas. “During these two sessions we had very emotional and active children. It was easy to organize games while directing their energy on positive things.”