03.11.12, Lviv region-USA
In the period of 22 and 26 October American organization «Wheels for Humanity» was staying in Caritas Sambir – Drohobych Diocese UGCC. This visit was aimed at securing needful dwellers of this region with free wheelchairs. Aside from qualified and highly-skilled assistance of volunteers from American organizations, here people tried to encourage everyone, give an ear and support with a good word. After all it is important to be heard at the moment when it’s the most needed.
«Friends told me that Caritas workers will help to choose a wheelchair for my mother. Mum really needs it, eventually she will be able to move around the flat», ? daughter of Mrs. Nina Malayeva says. Life journey of Mrs. Nina was complicated and thorny: postwar time, big family. Nina took care of all and didn’t have time for herself. After she overcame three blood-strokes Mrs. Nina got to know that she had diabetes. Then was limb amputation and many days spent within hospital walls.