19.06.13, Khmelnytskyy
Recently in Caritas Khmelnytskyy within the project “Mobile work with youth in Ukraine” was held series of classes on photography. In this event was involved a professional photographers Sergey Aniskov and Anastasia Bevza in cooperation with other skilled photographers who have become Caritas volunteers.
Children and youth from low-income and large families studied the art of photography in the local Caritas center for the last six months. Soon three most successful and most creative students of the group, the authors of the best works of master’s children exhibit will be rewarded. The best prize for upcoming artists will be paid place at the school of photography in Khmelnytskyy.
Please help raise money and pay for annual training for these 3 teenagers.

Cycle of photo-lessons started in autumn 2012th and lasted until May 2013th. During this time, children and young people from a number of wards of Caritas Khmelnytskyy could learn photography from Sergei Aniskov and his fellow assistants. Training included theoretical (gaining knowledge on the basics of photography, composition) and practical parts. Workshops were held both indoors and outdoors in various weather conditions. This enabled participants of photo school work with different lighting, natural phenomena (rain, snow, sun), to practice their own discipline and confirm their motivation for studying.
Photo School not only taught the children wards of Caritas specific skills, but also created a favorable psychological climate in the team, raised internal group trust and cohesion among crisis young people and allowed them to show creativity. Preparations for the opening of the exhibition contributed to the development of organizational skills, acquiring valuable experience.
The outcome of the project will be photo-exposition of works of children and young people who participated in the activities of Caritas Khmelnytskyy. “The authors of the best works – three winners – will be with our great pleasure presented with ability to study at the photography school in Khmelnytskyy for 1 year for free. We don’t have enough equity in our organization for this, and we are asking you to help raise these 3 thousand hryvnas.
Then three best children-photographers will be able to continue training, and, maybe quite soon they will become famous and successful photographers! They dream about such a future,” says Dmitro Lysyi, coordinator of work with children and young people in the local Caritas.