28.03.2016, Ukraine
Soup kitchen just opened in Kramatorsk. It aims to provide hot meals to the needy that for various reasons are below the poverty threshold. During the first days of its work there were about 40 visitors.
“The matter of charity is the foundation of a Christian life. Our efforts should be focused on helping the needy: I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was stranger, and you invited me in. Christ teaches us to do good deeds, and we must always remember about this,” – said director of Caritas Kramatorsk, father Vasyl Ivaniuk during the opening ceremony.
For keeping the dining room and its further improvement, Caritas Kramatorsk and social organization “Life of Charity” urging all concerned to contribute to this good cause, and join the purchase of building materials and food for the preparation of meals to the needy.
Also soup kitchen started working in Mariupol. As the director of Caritas Mariupol father Rostyslav Sprynyuk mentioned, “it is essential to provide a hot meal to the needy – IDPs as well as inhabitants of Mariupol.”
Meanwhile, the project “Easter alms for the needy” started in Caritas of Kolomyya and Chernivtsi Eparchy of the UGCC. It aims to help the poorest people who usually visit the soup kitchen. Soup kitchen in Kolomyya works from 2002. From that time until now there has been provided over 150,000 meals to homeless people, people in difficult financial circumstances, disabled people and children in need.
“Mistress” of dining room is Irina Mykhasyuk, – she is the person responsible for cooking, washing dishes and cleaning. She says that she is happy to work in the kitchen and she is really happy when people after visiting this place feel well fed and at least a little happier. Iryna prepares meals due to the predefined and agreed menu. Meals are different every day; there must be first, second meal with meat or fish, salad and drink. Kitchen operates at the expense of charitable donations.
Everyone can support the work of the soup kitchen with donations in churches of Kolomyya and Chernivtsi Eparchy of the UGCC, namely Vyzhnytsia, Horodenka, Kosiv, Nadvirna, Otynia, Snyatyn, Tlumach, Chernivtsi, Yaremche and Kolomyya, as well as directly in Caritas office.