31.08.15 Ukraine
Before the first of September Caritas Ukraine regional organizations conducted a traditional charitable initiative “School Backpack” for IDP kids from Crimea and east oblasts of Ukraine, children from large families and families in difficult life circumstances.
Caritas Ivano-Frankivsk, for instance, provided almost 600 kids with he assistance in form of school bags equipped with stationery and other school supplies.
Head of the UGCC his Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Metropolitan of Ivano-Frankivsk Archeparchy Volodymyr Viytyshyn, the first Caritas Ukraine President Ken Novakivskiy, present Caritas Ukraine President Andriy Waskowycz and City Head Wiktor Anuszkewyczus visited the celebration of school backpacks handing over. “I will tell you a secret how to study well,” Svyatoslav Shevchuk addressed the children. “It is important to pray mornings and evenings. And today we will pray together so that God bless us and this school year to run smoothly.”
In its turn, Caritas Ternopil charitable foundation organized a “School Backpack” initiative for 180 children from low-income, large and crisis families, and also 50 IDP kids from eastern Ukraine. Children received copy-books, albums for drawing, pens, pencils, paints and school bags that will come useful on September 1.
This year Caritas Khmelnytskiy provided school bags and other necessary supplies for studying to nearly 150 needful pupils, students and children who visit kindergartens.
According to Khmelnytskiy office of Caritas Ukraine, an objective of the initiative is not only to help needful kids materially, but to show them that people take care of them and ready to support them. With each year more and more children are receiving such desired gifts that are needed for studying.
The main idea of charitable initiative organization is to make every child feel happy for the first school day regardless a social status of his/her family. Therefore, new copy-books, pen cases, books/copy-books covers, ordinary and color pencils, modeling clay, paints for drawing, bags and other school supplies will help children to start their school year in a decent way. It is a way to manifest that by means of social service Caritas becomes a place of living parish, meeting place with Jesus Christ for the most needful.
Finally, Caritas Ukraine is really thankful to each person for concern and care, and possibility to bring joy to everyone who needs it.