Recently important information was published for Ukrainian citizens who are illegally residing in Poland.
On 1 January, 2012 new legislation (Law on Abolition) will become effective. This law will allow foreigners, who are illegally residing in Poland, to obtain legal status.
Who is affected by this Law:
1) Individuals who have been residing in Poland illegally since 20 December 2007
2) Individuals how have been residing in Poland illegally since 1 January 2010 and who prior to that date were denied refugee status and ordered to leave the country
3) Individuals who started the process of obtaining refugee status on or after 1 January 2010
Time Frame for Abolition (legalization):
From 1 December 2012 through 2 July 2012
What is the goal of this legislation?
This legislation will allow illegal residents to obtain the right to legally reside in Poland through the process of abolition. This will give them full social and worker’s rights as well as freedom of movement. Abolition will allow individuals to obtain legal employment, to visit their country of origin without problems, and also to delete their personal information from the list of foreigners whose presence in Poland is undesirable.
More detailed information on abolition can be found at: www.abolicja.gov.pl or by phoning: 00 48 22 601 75 25.
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