Starting from April 2014 Caritas Ukraine has been rendering help to over 50.000 needful people, more than 66.000 persons affected by humanitarian crisis will receive help within new projects that were launched in March this year.
Our approach to care for the displaced and victims of humanitarian crisis is personalized and foresees scrupulous evaluation of their needs. Attention is focused on the most vulnerable categories of population:
• Minors
• Pregnant women and nursing mothers
• Seniors
• People with special needs
• People with chronic diseases
• Family with one breadwinner
• Single mothers/fathers
• Large families (more than 5 family members)
Current projects:
1) In the course of March-December this year there are the following types of assistance planned for 26.700 IDPs and victims of humanitarian crisis in Kyiv, Odesa, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia and Kramatorsk:
• one-time payments for handling of basic needs;
• distribution of kits with food and hygiene accommodations;
• winterization financial assistance;
• payment for the purchase of food, hygiene products, medications and coverage of treatment expenses;
• provision of individual and group psychological assistance.
The mobile emergency group was created to provide food and basic NFIs to 4000 needful people who live on the territory of military actions (controlled by Ukrainian authorities as well as so called Donetsk and Luhansk People Republics).
Such work became possible with the financial support of German Federal Office through Caritas Germany that amounts to 2.000.000 EUR.
2) Starting June 9000 persons affected by the military conflict in eastern Ukraine, will benefit from 7-months assistance project financed by European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department’s (ECHO) through Caritas Austria with total budget of 789.431 EUR.
Assistance will be provided in Kharkivska, Donetska, Luhanska, Dnipropetrovska and Zaporizska oblasts, both in government and non-government controlled areas.
Project foresees two main types on support:
– In-kind food assistance with a value of €20/person for 4.500 persons in areas outside government control.
– Multi-purpose cash transfers to cover food and other basic needs for 4.500 persons. Most vulnerable conflict affected persons will receive cash transfers of €15/person per month for a period of 3 months.
3) At the beginning of June Caritas Ukraine launches 6 centers on care for IDP children who fled military conflict in Donbas area. “Child-friendly spaces” will work for kids from 3 to 12 years old in Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Slovyansk, Svyatohirsk, Odesa and Kyiv. In general, this project will seize over 1500 children.
Psycho-social assistance will be provided by professionals who have experience in pre-school education, pedagogics and psychology of children of various age groups. Each of 6 centers form 4 groups of 25 kids to give them decent attention and care. Every group will have chance to visit courses twice a week.
Apart from face-to-face and group consultations and sessions, centers will render distance support to children and adults in each region, securing services to a greater number of isolated communities in the most needy regions.
Network of centers for children – “Child-friendly spaces” – is financed by Catholic Relief Services (money of the US government) and Caritas Austria.
4) Over 8135 displaced persons that live in Kharkivska, Zaporizska, Dnipropetrovska oblasts and Donetsk city will receive help in a course of year (starting end May) within a project supported by Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance and Catholic Relief Service in the amount of almost 1 mln. USD. Project will include cash support for housing, priority needs and means for living, NFI and psychological help. 2450 IDPs will get cash for housing; 700 – NFI packages; 1225 persons – money for livelihoods; and 3760 children and adults will benefit from psychological assistance.
5) In the mid-April this year with financial support of Caritas Austria in the amount of 60.000 EUR project on window restoration in Slovyansk and Popasna towns received a new lease of life.
Firstly, it is planned to secure installation of windows in households that were registered within the first early recovery project, implemented in Slovyansk during September 2014-March 2015.
It is also planned to install windows in Popasna town that faced great damage due to military actions. All in all, over 1150 households got various types of damage, more than 40 houses were completely destroyed. Caritas Ukraine team will target received funding at renovation of all windows in one of pre-school educational establishments and also installation of windows in houses of Popasna locals.
6) Starting end May more than 7950 individuals will benefit from the assistance in form of NFIs and cash grants in Zaporizhia and Odesa regions. This project is supported by Caritas Canada in the amount of 1.25 mln. CAD. In particular, within three months period cash assistance in the amount of 100 USD will be distributed among 6075 persons (once per month); 1875 IDPs will receive packages with NFIs (soap, shampoo, laundry detergent, toothpaste, etc) twice a month during half a year.
7) On the basis on Caritas Kharkiv a project of assistance to single mothers with kids who are IDPs from Donetska and Luhanska oblasts, was launched in May and will be operating till April 2016. It is aimed to provide support to single and teenage mothers in order to protect such vulnerable families. Among potential beneficiaries there are teenage mothers; single mothers who have no place for dwelling; young women who want to leave their kid or have an abortion because of problems with accommodation or relatives/they are orphans; crisis families and youth.
Apart from provision of charitable assistance to the mentioned category of vulnerable persons, the project will promote their employment and integration in the society life. Budget of this project, supported by Caritas Austria, is 89.800 EUR.
Information about our completed projects of assistance to IDPs and people affected by humanitarian crisis in eastern Ukraine you can find here.
Information about our implemented projects of assistance to victims of EuroMaidan events, families of the wounded and deceased during ATO you can find here.