
Modern slavery is your own problem!

04.02.13, Olga Gryb for Caritas Ukraine
Despite adoption of the law “On combating human trafficking” in September 2011, Ukraine is still one of the leading countries, where illegal human trafficking is an acute problem. 110 thousand of our compatriots got into slavery for the period of Ukraine’s independence and this number keeps on growing each year (in compliance with data of International Organization for Migration (IOM) “Migration in Ukraine: facts and figures”).

Nowadays Ukrainians are face to face with such an overwhelming and dangerous problem called human trafficking. It is proved by new negative tendencies.
So, according to data of the IOM, for the last years:
1.    The percentage of cases of stealing people for labor exploitation increased,
2.    ‘Risk group’ of potential victims has been enlarged: if formerly it was made up with young women aged 15-24, now these are both men (32% of victims) and women of different ages.
3.    Moreover, there is growing number of victims from such layers of population as children and foreigners.

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