03.12.12, Іvano-Frankivsk region
First two stages of «We have right to know more!» law festival were carried out in the premises of comprehensive boarding school №1 in Ivano-Frankivsk on 27th of November. Nearly 50 children, representatives of 5 team-participants from Ivano-Frankivsk, Kalush, Dolyna and Rogatyn demonstrated their knowledge of human trafficking problem. Through presentations of contest tasks teenagers revealed their feelings, impressions and associations related to human trafficking crime.
Competition of photo stories on «Human is not a piece of flesh. Not for sale» was held during the first stage of law festival. Photo stories, prepared as a part of homework, impressed the public with their information value, framed the seriousness and depth of student’s attitude to the problem. In the majority of cases team members themselves were the heroes of their stories that portrayed various types of exploitation, ways of enlistment, and variants of solving challenging life situations.