11.03.13, Ukraine
Problems with heating, water delivery and electricity supply systems, access to remote communities resulted from low temperature, snowy storms and frost in many cities of Ukraine at the beginning of winter 2012-2013. Great amount of snow fallen exceeded the mark for the last 130 years. In Kyiv it was stated as the biggest snow precipitation since ever recorded. The temperature attained about 15 to 25 degrees below zero.
First of all, it inflicted harm to poor, seniors, ill individuals, isolated and homeless people, addicted to alcohol and drugs, poverty-stricken children and youth. Several hundreds of people were frozen to death at the streets. Much damage was done to municipal infrastructure of cities and small households.
With the help of philanthropists from Caritas Germany and Vienna Caritas Ukraine created the network of heating points with charity refectories in order to take care of homeless and poor individuals.