
In Ternopil by virtue of “Gifts of generous autumn” campaign Caritas provided product reward packages for more then 150 people in need

16.11.12, Lviv region
Language as a social phenomenon makes a considerable impact on shaping and development of personality who is a native speaker and a bearer of spiritual culture of the nation. It can’t be argued that this is one of the key factors of modern youth quality upbringing.

Day of Ukrainian language and writing system has been celebrated in our country for 15 years. This year the Day of Ukrainian language was held in Caritas Brody (Lviv region). Oksana Lototska, project coordinator, organized language game for youth. Older members of “One hundred talents” studio that operates in the framework of project “Social and psychological support of labor migrants children” actively participated in this game.

All competition participants were divided into two teams – “Ukrainians” and “Mudragelyky” (word ‘mudragelyk’ describes an angel that loves to read and knows a lot).

The first stage of language game was watching video story about evolvement and further development of Ukrainian language. Then youngsters received tasks that gave possibility to check their knowledge of vocabulary, morphology, spelling, syntax and punctuation.

The most interesting contest games were “Anti-Surzhik”, “Sharp tongue” quiz on knowledge of phraseological units and proverbs “Don’t preach with the wind”. School students expressed their points of view on current language situation in Ukraine. Furthermore, kids got possibility to picture the advertisement ideas of their mother-tongue. By the end of all contest games, young philologists together tried to find solutions for tasks that they couldn’t deal with during the game.

Team of “Mudragelyky” won the language contest and received appreciation certificate on profound knowledge of mother-tongue. At the end of celebration all participants were welcomed to sweet treats. «I really admire festivals, quizzes or campaigns in Caritas! Here, there are a lot of exciting and useful things even in week-days; however, special events are memorable for the whole life. I also have something to speak about with my friends at school», ? says Yurko, client of local Caritas.

For many years Caritas daytime social centers operate in various regions of Ukraine. Qualified social workers, psychologists and teachers suggest different events and activities where kids and youth can overcome complicated situations, fully develop their potential and become independent. Our workers are involved in daytime social centers, at the streets and in educational establishments.

Zoryana Lukavetska, project coordinator for children and youth programs in Caritas Ukraine, says that work with children that feel separated due to labor migration of their parents is in demand nowadays.

Problem of so-called “distant families” and children that grow up without parents, possibly, don’t have direct influence on current situation, but it can have serious consequences in few years, when the majority of labor migrants children will become adults, choose their road in life, and try to start own families. It is important to contribute to the upbringing of such kids and youth: put in much attention and useful information, essential social skills and Christian values.

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