28.12.12, Ukraine
Caritas Odessa was founded more than 7 years ago and it comprises 20 employers and a group of enthusiastic volunteers, provides aid for over 1000 people in need every year. Fr. Vasyl Kolodchyn, Director of Caritas Odessa UGCC, spoke in detail about work of Caritas Ukraine local center.
– How long has been operating Caritas in Odessa and what are its main activities?
Caritas Odessa was established in August 2005 and since that time we haven’t lost a jot of enthusiasm and willing to serve unfortunate individuals, regardless their religious beliefs or nationality. Moreover, we aspire to provide not only non-recurrent assistance, but systematically and comprehensively improve life of people that found themselves in crisis circumstances. Our employers constantly upgrade their skills, we earn support of authorities and civic organizations, and we are making progress.