Ensuring a dignified childhood for the youngest citizens will ensure the future of our independent Ukraine, and her rightful place in the world. Without a doubt, protecting the rights of children is a multi-dimensional problem. It involves many different aspects. Certain of them were discussed at a round table held in the auditorium of the I. Trush Brody Gymnasium recently. Representatives from government agencies that work with children and youth were invited to attend. Employees of the local Caritas branch also participated.
The goal of the round table, opened by V. Strons’kyy, Chairman of the Brody District Administration, was to discuss and create a plan for protecting the rights of orphans, those who have lost custody of their children and for those who are undergoing a crisis.
The speakers:
A) Familiarized the audience with state policies that are meant to protect orphans and wards of the state in the Brody district;
B) Provided information on how government bodies, local self-rule, businesses, establishments and various types of organizations cooperate to prevent child abuse, homelessness and abandonment;
C) highlighted foster families as an alternative to orphanages (a film was shown on unacceptable living conditions found in orphanages and the positive influence foster families have on a child’s upbringing);
D) shared statistics on the criminal activity of orphans, wards of the state and those living in difficult conditions;
E) reported on measures that should be taken in order to preserve the lives and health of children, and on the state of medical care and recreation for children in various social categories in the Brody district.
Fr. Yaroslav Tsaryk, Director of Caritas Brody explains: “I am very excited that the local government is ready to cooperate and is organizing similar events. These events are not only responsible, summative and informative, they are also opportunities for us to share our thoughts, find areas of common interest and find ways to cooperate and run joint projects.
Y. Prysyazhnyuk, social pedagogue at the I. Trush Brody Gymnasium and Caritas Brody, talked about the role social workers have in protecting the rights of all children and families. The local Caritas has a lot of experience working with the children of labour migrants, orphans, the disadvantaged or abandoned, and we can help protect the rights of children and help them realize their potential.”
At the end of the meeting they screened a movie on the Topylkiv family. The Topylkiv’s live in the village of Bilyavtsi. They have two biological children and five foster children. N. Bohatyr’ova, Director of Children Services for the Brody District concluded the round table by noting that if we hope to protect the rights of children, all government services must start working together.