A series of events aimed at preventing human trafficking was held for 6 orphanage boarding schools in the Ivano-Frankivs’k region. This series of events was organized by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the local Caritas. During April-May 188 girls and 136 boys participated in the various events that utilized ART-therapy. Participants included: 9th and 10th graders from the Dolyna Gymnasium Boarding School for Orphans, the Kalush Boarding School for the Deaf, The #1 General Boarding School for Orphans in Ivano-Frankivs’k, the Uhornytsya Boarding School for Orphans, the Lyceum-Boarding School for Gifted Rural Orphans and from the Inter-regional Centre for Psycho-Social Rehabilitation in Ivano-Frankivs’k Region (Medynya, Halyts’kyy district).
The IOM reports that the demographic group most vulnerable to becoming victims of human trafficking, in Ukraine and beyond her boarders, is young people. When members of this demographic are orphaned, wards of the state, come from multi-child or disadvantaged families, they become even more vulnerable. Those who fall into this very high risk group receive the most help from social workers, school psychologists and educators who spend 24 hours a day with them. These advisors utilize Caritas’s experience to implement preventative measures, that use modern techniques, to combat trafficking and in so doing they help children to adapt to the contemporary realities of Ukrainian life.