In the frames of celebration of the 1025th Kievan Rus Anniversary Caritas Ukraine organizes special charitable initiative. On 17-18th of August all people present at baptizing of Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ in Kyiv will be able to participate in social service of Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church and work of Caritas organizations.
During the initiative on the square in front of the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ in Kyiv volunteers and Caritas employees will distribute specially crafted memorable candles. Challenged youngsters, clients of Caritas in Lviv, joined to decorate them. Quite a lot of people with candid heart united in the common aim – to help Caritas in rendering assistance to needful individuals who live around us.
Money gained from distribution of candles will be directed to work with children, youth and families in need. Activities will be implemented on basis of Caritas Ukraine regional organizations network in 8 oblasts of the country.
For 20 years Caritas Ukraine has been leading a large-scale charitable work for needful individuals in 4 main directions:
– Assistance to children, youth and families
– Healthcare
– Social problems of migration
– Help in crisis situations
Activities are implemented on the Christian principles and values, but regardelss creed, social status, ethnic background, gender or age of person who receives support from Caritas.
Thanks to multifaceted activities, considerable experience and wide network of regional organizations, Caritas Ukraine seizes several thousands of people in need annually. It provides them with material and social assistance, psychological support, protects their rights and renderes aid in social integration.
We remind you that Caritas has nearly 120-year experience and connect 165 national charitable organizations that operate in almost 200 countries of the world and render aid to over 25 million of needful people. Ukrainian Caritas has been working for about 20 years and till this moment it is finaced by foreign donors for 94-98%. That’s why, such initiative is the easiest and very estimable way to show solidarity, responsibility and mercy to everyone who wants to join.
Web-page of the Patriarchal Cathedral and program of baptizing celebration can be found here.