A 4 day recreational camp for disabled young people was held in the Trans-Carpathian region from 11-14 June. 70 Ukrainian youngsters stayed at the Berehynya resort (village Tukhlya, Sokolivs’kyy district, L’viv region). They were joined by 10 representatives of Caritas Germany from Aachen who have physical challenges.
The camp was called Step by Step. Its goal was similar to Caritas’s general goal—to integrate disabled Ukrainians into mainstream society by improving their physical and psychological health as well as their social and practical skills and by helping them form new contacts and experience new things. The four day camp was filled with outdoor activities and games, hikes, playing in the river, picnics, dances and carnivals. The campers also were able to work in differently themed groups, attend Divine Liturgy and Vespers. Parents also benefited by having the opportunity to meet other families with disabled children and share their joys and difficulties.