23.11.12, Volyn
Conference on «Particular qualities of work with labor migrants’ children» has been recently held in Novovolynsk town by Caritas Volyn. Already more than two years this organization leads «Social and psychological support of labor migrants» Caritas Ukraine project. Assistance was provided for nearly hundred of children.
More than 25 people took part in the conference. Among them were psychologists, social teachers, resource specialists of educational establishments and pre-school institutions of the town. The event program comprised two parts. The first one included informational unit, particularly, speech of Viktoriya Skrynnikova, local coordinator of Caritas project, – her presentation was called «Problems of social orphanage in Ukraine»; Tetyana Galytska, social worker, with report on «Influence of family structural deformation on shaping children’s social competence», and psychologist Nataliya Gavronska spoke about «Social and psychological reintegration of children by means of organizing variety of special events».