01.10.12, Ivano-Frankivs’k region
The foothills of the Carpathians are well known for miracle working icons. One such icon is located in the village of Hoshiv whose history dates back to the Middle Ages. This spot is also called Yasna Hora (Bright Mountain) because the Christian shrine is located on the hill.
The Hoshiv Monastery was historically part of the fortifications built in the 16th Century. At the start of the 17th Century the church and monetary were burned by the Krymchaks. In 1629 the largest Hoshiv landowner, one of King Jan Casmir’s Cavalry Captains, donated 3000 zloty to rebuild the monastery; in his advanced age he became a monk and was buried under the main altar of the monastery’s church. In 1762 the monastery again burned and was rebuilt. By that time it was widely known in Halychyna because of the miracle working icon of the Virgin Mary which was kept at the church of the Transfiguration.