02.06.2014, Kolomyia
When a warm season comes, excursions for children, clients in Caritas of Kolomyia-Chernivtsi Eparchy are held more often. This time children visited Knyazhdvirskiy nature reserve that is located 10 kilometers away from Kolomyia. Apart from health-improving rest, participants of one-day trip initiated an eco-initiative – cleaned up litter and assisted in making reserve’s territory better.
15 children from low-income and large families, and also volunteers set aside time to stay together in nature’s lap and make own small contribution to make cleaner Knyazhdvirskiy nature reserve that is well-known for its yews.
One third of nature reserve’s territory is almost 70 ha of rare yews. This is the biggest natural land in Europe where these rare trees grow. Besides yew, there are other representatives of flora, some of them are included in the Red Book of Ukraine: spring snowflake, turk’s cap lily, Crocus heuffelianus.
For 12-year-old Bogdan Pavlyuk it was the first trip with Caritas. Boy was really impressed that there are so many interesting places close to Kolomyia that need protection and care of not only nature reserve workers, but every eco-tourist.
Before lunch children and volunteers were involved in collection of litter, and in the afternoon they visited nature museum that is located on the reserve’s territory, and also prepared barbeque in specially allotted place.
“Caritas has been visiting Knyazhdvirskiy yew nature reserve for several years to assist workers in maintaining order on its territory, and also to get children acquainted with incredibly diverse and rare flora of our land,” shared her impressions Natalya Grygorchuk, children psychologist. “After such trips we notice that kids become more united and open. In nature’s lap they give much energy, that’s why they become more calm and balanced. There is no doubt, we will continue eco-oriented trips and will foster solicitous attitude to nature in children.
Caritas of Kolomyia-Chernivtsi Eparchy unites young initiative team of individuals devoted to philanthropy who jointly implement a range of successful projects:
• Home care for lonely seriously-ill seniors;
• Training on nursing and care of ill people for relatives, caregivers and caretakers;
• Social center for labour migrants children;
• Social center for children from crisis families;
• Center for children and youth with special needs;
• Summer camps for children and youth;
• Charitable refectory for people who found themselves in complicated life circumstances and children of crisis categories;
• Assistance to victims in cases of emergency;
• Club for seniors;
• Social laundry;
• Point for receiving and delivery of humanitarian aid;
• Juice squeezer service in Kovalivka village, Kolomyiskiy region;
• Animal farm in Pyadyky village, Kolomyiskiy region;
• Rendering service of juice squeezing for dwellers of neighboring villages in piedmont regions;
• Initiatives aimed at provision of material aid to people in complicated living circumstances – “Help St. Nicolas to visit children-orphans”, “Easter basket for needful ones”, “Orphan’s schoolbag”, “Christmas Candle” etc.