The Day of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ or Easter is one of the largest Ukrainian feasts symbolizing the victory of life over death, good over evil, love over hatred and warmth of the spring over coldness of the winter. This day, families gather around the tables after traditional sanctification of their Easter baskets. Not many of the people who are cheerfully placing tasteful food to their beautiful Easter baskets, think about those who are not able to have traditional Easter dishes on their tables while even Easter eggs and Easter bread is a luxury for some families.
Easter is preceded by Lent – the period of purification before the feast of the Resurrection in the Christian tradition. It is a time for thinking about our actions and for making great spiritual benefits. Nowadays, it is not so easy to comply strictly all traditional canons, moreover, the idea of Lent is often reduced to banal abstinence from meat that forces backward the idea of purification, compassion and support. Meanwhile, the practice of virtues and good deeds has always been one of the components of Lent. By limiting ourselves to something, we can give an extra to our neighbor, who desperately needs help. Consequently, our charity will return to us a hundredfold.
Since the beginning of Lent, Caritas Ukraine started the charity campaign “Easter Donation“. You can join us in helping people in need and, at the same time, to prepare fully for the feast of Blessed Easter by taking a box for donations for the period of Lent. We can make a significant contribution to Easter celebration for people in need by rejecting our extra costs of entertainment during fasting time. Then, funds “saved” for not going to cinema, not buying popcorn, coffee, chocolates or perhaps a bottle of wine, can be collected and transferred to Caritas, while our action becomes an excellent example of true Christian charity.
In general, the essence of Lent is to approach Christ in our actions, at least a little bit, while every man decides personally how to do it. To carry goodness and mercy to others is the step that can satisfy our souls and help our neighbors. You can give alms to the poor, but remember that many cannot ask, however are in need no less. These people are under care of Caritas: orphans, disabled, lonely elderly, internally displaced people forced to leave their home and children whose fathers gave their life for Ukraine. On the eve of the great holiday, we appeal to all concerned people to support us in helping these families to have Easter baskets on their tables, and illuminate their hard life with rays of kindness.
By joint actions we create a miracle. Even a small donation can help in this, so all our wards will be able to taste festive and delicious Easter bread. With the money raised during the campaign, regional offices of Caritas will buy sets of traditional food for the Easter basket. These packages will be transmitted to every person in need of warmth, kindness, support and a small miracle. Meanwhile, caring people can feel their involvement in good work and meet bright feast of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ in a most proper way.
We are all familiar with the joyful mood of a family sitting at Easter breakfast while happy children are cheerfully competing whose Easter egg is stronger, and faces of elderly are changing when they receive desired, but unexpected gift. Our common contribution, even a small one, can make this image of joy a reality for those who have nobody to take care of them. Let us be neighbors to each other and share the light!