“A group can only label themselves as a Christian group if they assist their members to grow spiritually, preach the gospel, and practice mercy. We remember the words of St. Dorothy: “the more charitable and loving a person is, the closer he resembles the Lord.” The I Am Living group in Vinnytsya can call itself a Christian group because an integral part of their activities are weekly visits to the retirement home where they brighten up the lives of the bed-bound young and elderly people who live there,” explains Fr. Roman Syrotych, Director of the Kyiv Caritas.
Recently there was a charitable event, organized by the local Christian Association for little friends. The friends visited children at the social rehabilitation centre Dobro. Various circumstances, including family problems, have led to children from all over the Vinnytsya region to end up at Dobro.
The Dobro residents warmly welcomed the volunteers. The children introduced themselves and each other, detailed their new start in life, which is full of love and care. After meeting with the staff, the guests distributed gifts from Caritas Kyiv—sweets, candies, and cookies.
The Centre’s staff has agreed to cooperate with Caritas, so plans have been made to hold an interactive program with games and training the next time Caritas visits.