Just before International Day of Older Persons, which is observed 1 October, Caritas Kyiv visited over 500 people, bringing them a kind word and gifts. This day was initially observed in Europe, then in the USA; from 1991 it has been observed across the world as well as in Ukraine.
Ukraine, which is one of the original members of the UN, supported the initiative of the international community and since 1991 marks this day annually. The decision to observe International Day of Older Persons in Ukraine and to provide security for pensioners and the disabled was approved by a government resolution.
Addressing the needs of elderly people is one of Caritas Kyiv’s main focuses. “Our clients were honoured during International Day of Older Persons. Social workers from the Home Care project visited 105 elderly individuals with good wishes and gifts.
They also visited a retirement home for Labour veterans in Kyiv which houses nearly 350 people, the visited the Spivdruzhnist’ and Myloserdya intellect geriatric associations, veterans and the disabled,” explained Olha Osadcha, Coordinator for work with the elderly at Caritas Kyiv.
Fr. Roman Syrotych, Director of Caritas Kyiv notes: “1 October is a day for the people who are not only advanced in age but who have a wealth of life experience. Interacting with them, one understands that these people still have a lot of living to do, they’re optimistic and can positively affect youth! Unfortunately, we don’t give them enough attention, which, as Christians, we should”.