18.03.2016, Kyiv
8 regional senior centers in Ukraine received aid from Caritas Kyiv. It was made possible through collaboration with Kyivstar Company and Ukrainian Philanthropic Exchange that provided charitable financial assistance amounting to 95 000 UAH and targeting the needs of the elderly people, who live in 8 senior centers in Ukraine.
Assistance program met specific needs of residents of centers, as bedding sets, towels, rehabilitation and medical equipment, household appliances, building materials, shoes and so on.
Meanwhile, one of the main activities of Caritas Kyiv is support of the elderly people. For many years Caritas is helping lonely people, disabled people, and retirees. Over 100 of those who are not able to move, therefore constantly stay at home, or those who have movement disorder, are today in the care of Caritas.
Caritas care involves constant social, medical and material assistance. It includes food packages, medicines, personal hygiene products, diapers and even constant care of visiting nurses.
“Caritas Kyiv supports more than 100 of lonely elderly people with food packages, medicines, and diapers for people in need. It is made possible with a help of benefactors give their generous financial support for charity” – said director of Caritas Kiev father Roman Syrotych.
Nurses regularly visit and provide qualified medical care to elderly lonely people within the project ‘Home Care’. There are given advices on the medical care, also psychological and law counseling, besides nurses are helping senior people in cleaning and cooking” – says medical worker of ‘Home Care’ Tetiana.
“On behalf of elderly people I would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone involved in effective and rapid implementation of the project, including Kyivstar and Ukrainian Philanthropic Exchange. Together we can make life of aging people a little easier, happier and more carefree. The food and medicine express our love, attention, and also important financial assistance to them. They are sincerely grateful for that. While, we invite all people with goodwill to join us in doing good deeds for old people”, – concludes fr. Roman.