21.06.13, Volyn
At the beginning of June in conference hall of Novovolynsk City Council conference devoted to presentation of the new project ‘Development of effective support mechanisms for vulnerable population groups and medical-social institutions in small Ukrainian cities’ was organized. It was initiated by Caritas Volyn with support of Department on interior policy of interaction with mass media and public relations of executive committee of Novovolynsk City Council.
Among conference participants were representatives of Novovolynsk central city hospital, Novovolynsk city center of social services for family, children and youth, City community of Red Cross, territorial administration center of labor and population social protection, local television and newspaper ‘Our city’.
• Providing access to qualified medical and social services for poverty-stricken society groups in small Ukrainian cities;
• Improving of material basis for medical and social establishments and supporting their work through attracting attention of local authorities;
• Creating system for collecting data on needs of different vulnerable society groups (challenged individuals, the homeless, people with HIV/AIDS and other socially-vulnerable).
Implementation of this project will assist in shortening the path to rendering essential aid for specific beneficiaries who are really in need of it. In fact, this is a kind of cooperation mechanism between local and international NGOs who provide humanitarian aid and develop collaboration with local medical and social institutions.
The major idea of the project is acknowledgement that poverty shouldn’t define dignity or prospects of people, without taking in consideration the place of birth and bringing-up, – one should be entitled to equal chances to receive qualified education, medical and social support.
Victoria Skrynnikova, Manager of local Caritas, spoke about history of Caritas in Ukraine and Europe, leading directions of Caritas Volyn activities, implementation of acting social projects, in particular, ‘Social and psychological support for labor migrants children’ and ‘Organized activities at the Dovira centre for victims of totalitarian regimes’. Everyone present got acquainted with perspective areas of activities, for instance, creation of mobile hospice team, opening of rehabilitation center for children with special needs in village of city type Zhovtneve.
Participants of this event expressed their vision on possibilities of cooperation in the project. Deputy Chief Doctor of Novovolynsk central city hospital health center Tykhostup V.M. voiced sheer gratitude to local Caritas for humanitarian aid provided in the form of medical equipment and medicaments. He persuaded in support for implementation of new project from the local medical establishment.
Furthermore, Head of the Center of social services for family, children and youth Lakysh O.O. informed about readiness to cooperation in this direction. She announced results of the research that was conducted in the form of questionnaire survey among parents who bring up challenged youngsters. In became evident that 28 families expressed desire and need in rehabilitation center in Novovolynsk.
The same as the rest of the attendees at the event representatives of NGOs showed willing to support and collaborate in the frames of the project ‘Development of effective support mechanisms for vulnerable population groups and medical-social institutions in small Ukrainian cities’ and social initiatives of local Caritas.