On 28 and 30 November, the Counselling Centre to Prevent Human Trafficking in the city of Yuzhne run by the Caritas Odesa UGCC held an event called “People are not Merchandise!” This event was supported by the All-Ukrainian event Only Cars For Spare Parts! These events were held as part of the International Day Against Human Trafficking which is observed on 2 December.
Volunteers from the Anima theatre (from the Latin meaning soul), which operates out of the Counselling Centre held the interactive event and presented a miniature performance “Zamist Vyriyu” (Instead of a Skein) which highlighted a pressing social issue—human trafficking.
In order to protect Ukrainian labourers from human traffickers, it is necessary to know
how human trafficking works. For this reason, in interviews with potential labourers, Caritas staff constantly and using various methods, emphasizes the consequences of illegal employment, and provides free anonymous counselling.
They advise on issues of safety, legal study and employment abroad, marrying foreigners, and searching for loved ones who disappeared abroad.
Lesya Chaykivs’ka, Associate Director of Educational work at the educational establishment where Anima theatre performed notes: “How nice, that the pupil-volunteers, using simple language, explained human trafficking to their peers and used their performance to force their audience to ponder these issues.
Thank you for such an emotional performance! Also for the knowledge and information you imparted—it is extremely important, especially for young people.”
Nearly 900 pupils from 9-11 grades participated in the event. The young volunteers distributed informational booklets Say STOP! To Human Trafficking!”