
Департамент організаційного розвитку

Оrganizational development of the Caritas Ukraine network

Mission: Development of the Caritas Ukraine network of charitable organizations as partner organizations to strengthen the sustainability of organizational structures and increase efficiency through harmonization of the development mission and dissemination of charitable traditions, management standards and principles of charitable assistance development in a human-centered approach.

Objective: To strengthen the ability of Caritas Ukraine member organizations to carry out activities, recognizing the “signs of the times” – challenges and opportunities based on the See-Judge-Act model; development of the organization’s ability to respond to future challenges through risk management and change management; development of organizational learning; formation of organizational culture through a system of values; development of organizational policies, procedures and security system, creation of partnership principles of cooperation and networking, compliance with management standards.

Dates of program implementation: ongoing

Regions of operation: all local organizations of the Caritas Ukraine network, including the national office (46)

Beneficiaries: directly all Caritas Ukraine organizations – top management, management of directions, programs and projects, other staff.

Description of activities:

As of 2024, the Department of Organizational Development implements organizational development programs and projects in the following areas:

  • Integration program for all network employees
  • Training on Safeguarding for all network employees, for those responsible for implementing the Safeguarding system
  • Development of organization-wide Safeguarding policies and handling of sensitive issues
  • Assessment of compliance with the Caritas Internationalis Management Standards for all network organizations (CI MS assessment)
  • Development and implementation of the System of Performance Management and Staff Capacity Development for all-network Caritas Ukraine organizations (SPMS)
  • Staff development through well-structured programs such as capacity building trainings, workshops, webinars, seminars, mentoring and counseling, online course “Fundamentals of Organization Management”, “Learning Path” projects, dissemination of good practices and procedures
  • Formation in values program
  • Developing an organization’s development strategy and partnership principles

(Learning path, Specific training, online course, induction-onboarding program, safeguarding program, safeguarding policies development, CI MS assessment, Staff Performance Managment System, formation in value program).

In other words, the activities of the Department of Organizational Development are aimed at helping the organization become effective in its work, in its internal organization, in the choice of tools for its activities, and in its ability to communicate and cooperate with external stakeholders.

The main donors and partners:

  • CRS,
  • Caritas Europe,
  • Caritas Espanola,
  • Caritas Italiana,
  • Porticus 


Aliona Bohoslovska, Ivanna Boyko, Maryna Gerasymovych, Lydiia Davyda, Mariia Kokhanska, Iryna Lazorevych, Anastasiia Nabokova, Olha Soroka, Marta Yatsyshyn

Contact information of the Head:

Olha Soroka,, +380961934044