Advocacy and Government Relations
The advocacy at Caritas Ukraine formation of the tradition of charity and a socially responsible society in Ukraine, based on the priority of the role of civil society organizations in the implementation of state social policy, through application of international standards of human rights, the principles and values of the Social Doctrine of the Church, the experience and practice of the global and national “Caritas” network in all strategic directions of Caritas work.
Advocacy tools are aiming for popularization of the “Caritas” network in Ukraine, as an effective provider of social services and positioning of “Caritas” as a reliable and highly qualified partner of the authorities in the process of implementing social policy at the national level and in communities, aiming to overcome the effects of war, poverty, inequality and social isolation.
Directions and topics of advocacy
- Humanitarian Aid and IDPs
- Volunteers
- Reform of Social Services
- Educational and Medical Services
- Advocacy on international level
- Other activities
National Activities in 2022-2024
- 91 events for NGOs (conferences, round tables, discussions ,experts talk): participation, preparation moderation.
- 99 working groups and expert meetings organized by the government participation (speeches, panel discussions, working groups, forums, presentations)
- 36 packages of proposals for amendments to the legislation and new regulation were prepared and submitted
- 2 model designs of legislation for the reform of social services provision and care drafted presented and submitted to the Ministry of Social Policy
- 229 letters/ appeals/ public statements/ petitions to local and central government authorities drafted and submitted
- 23 Memorandums of understanding with local and central government authorities drafted and signed
- 11 articles and interviews for mass media and researchers delivered
- 600+ participants of two national conferences on the localization of relief measures, where Caritas is a co-organizer
Assistance to network members has led to:
- 687 local events (round tables, meetings, workshops, etc.) with local authorities at the local level
- 143 Communities addressed for advocacy purposes locally
- 117 national events in which local advocates participated
- 75 trainings from partner organizations on advocacy, in which local advocates took part
- 76 appeals and letters addressed to local authorities
- 45 organizations of the Caritas network are beneficiaries of advocacy activities
- 31, 2 % of entire population (20, 6 % of which In are difficult life circumstances) who are in need of decent social services
Governmental contacts
Ministry of Social Policy, Ministry of Reintegration of Occupied Territories, Cabinet of Ministers, Secretariat to the Cabinet of Ministers, National Bank, National Revenue Service, Ministry pf Finance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Financial Monitoring Authority Committees of the Supreme Council (on social policy and protection of veterans’ rights; on finance, tax and customs policy).
International advocacy
- 273 partners of 4 platforms (Humanitarian NGO Platform (106), Alliance (16), Platform for legal reforms for CSOs (120), Coalition of CSOs on Lobbying Legislation (67).
- 87+ hearings, meetings, networking groups in the framework of networking coalitions
- 15 joint statements and open appeals
International contacts:
UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator of UN system in Ukraine, Humanitarian Country Team, OCHA, Advocacy working group of the Humanitarian NGO Platform, Alliance of Ukrainian CSO
Bundesministerium fur wirtschaftliche Zusammenargeit und Entwicklung (BMZ), DCV, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund) – OCHA (UHF), Caritas Austria, Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (USAID), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Trocaire (Caritas Ireland), Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB).
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